Power Hour: How To Make Your In-Person Events Neuroinclusive

A workshop for business owners running events or those wanting to advise event organisers on how to make their events neuroinclusive.

Join us for an hour-long online workshop focused on how to make in-person events such as conferences, workshops and meetings more accessible for neurodivergent folks.

Contrary to what many event organisers seem to think, neuroinclusion is about SO much more than having a sensory room available to attendees. It's about considering a great many other things, including information clarity, working memory, executive dysfunction, social interaction challenges and all the other elements of work and life that neurodivergent folks navigate on a daily basis.

Neuroinclusion also isn't just something you need to consider if you're running big conferences or public events, these principles are just as important when it comes to smaller meetings and workshops too.

This online session is designed to empower you to create neuroinclusive spaces within all your business activities OR to empower you to advocate for your own needs at events if you're neurodivergent.

In this Power Hour, Joyfully Different's Alice Reeves will be joined by Adam Dobay and Nora Selmeczi from Weirdly Successful, a neurodivergent group of educators with different combinations of dishes from the Great Neurodivergent Buffet Table of ADHD, Autism, SPD, and more.

Together, we'll cover...

  • The biggest struggles neurodivergent folks have at most events
  • How you can make your IRL events inclusive of neurodivergent folks' needs
  • Practical (and affordable) tips to implement in your events, meetings and workshops to make your business activities as inclusive as possible

Who is this session for?

This workshop is ideal for you if you're running events OR want to feel empowered to advocate for yourself and advise event organisers on how they can be more inclusive of neurodivergent people at their events.

Get the workshop recording now

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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Power Hour: How To Make Your In-Person Events Neuroinclusive

    • Welcome & Introduction

    • Power Hour Recording & Slides