Why have a business purpose? And how do you find yours?

Join branding and marketing expert Alice Reeves to explore YOUR purpose in this practical, purposeful session!

“Purpose” has been one of the biggest business buzzwords of the last few years. Everywhere you look, branding experts and marketers are banging on about the importance of purpose if you want to grow a thriving, successful business.

But what do people really mean when they talk about purpose?

Why does it matter so much to us, as neurodivergent business leaders, to have one?

Who and what is our purpose for, exactly?

How can our purpose help us stay motivated and communicate better?

How can our purpose help us set boundaries that benefit us?

How can our purpose INSPIRE us and hold our interest when it comes to marketing and growing our businesses?

And – most importantly – how do we find out what our purpose actually IS?

In this Joyfully Different Power Hour, brand and marketing expert Alice Reeves will delve into the topic of business purpose and walk you through a simple, practical exercise to find your purpose.

Who is this session for?

This workshop is ideal for you if you've been struggling to define your business purpose or understand how your purpose fits into your marketing and brand communications. It will also be helpful if you've done work on purpose but feel like yours could do with a refresh!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Power Hour: How To Find Your Business Purpose & Why It Matters

    • Introduction

    • Recording: How To Find Your Business Purpose & Why It Matters