What is accessible content design and why does it matter for your business, customers and teams??

Join brand designer Caitlin Quinn to delve into the topic of accessible design and how to make your content more accessible for customers.

”Accessibility” is thrown around in the popular culture, touted and then more often than not, forgotten, but with UK businesses losing approximately £2 billion a month by ignoring the needs of disabled and neurodiverse people there is an undeniable business case for accessibility.

There are lots of ways we can take accessibility into account, as business owners but a good starting point is content. Online content is where potential clients find you, learn about you and then, decide to buy, or not.

With 97% of the top 1 million websites not fully accessible, how can businesses make better design decisions and reach those excluded customers?

Accessibility doesn’t just mean good contrast or screen reader friendly design, either, it takes into account the diverse needs of users.

As Joyfully Different is a community of neurodivergent entrepreneurs, we will focus on how accessible design can be inclusive of neurodiversity. This is a developing sub-section of accessible design, with companies such as Slack working to make their platform and content more ADHD friendly, for example, with varying stimulation and interactivity modes.

What we'll cover...

Brand designer and accessible communication enthusiast Caitlin Quinn, founder of Quinn.Media will delve into the topic of accessible design for business and walk you through tools and a simple checklist to make your content more accessible to potential customers.

Together, we'll cover:

  • What is content design and how do businesses use it?
  • What is accessible content design, and why is it important?
  • Accessibility with neurodivergence in mind
  • A checklist of steps for creating accessible content
  • Useful tools

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Power Hour: How To Make Your Business Content Accessible

    • Introduction

    • Recording: How To Make Your Business Content Accessible