Power Hour: How To Manage Rejection Sensitivity In Business

A practical workshop for neurodivergent entrepreneurs & leaders on developing strategies to manage rejection sensitivity (RSD) in business.

Running a business comes with its fair share of challenges, setbacks and rejections. Putting yourself out there is a vulnerable thing to do, and being told to 'toughen up' or 'not listen to the haters' is easier said than done for those of us that manage Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD).

While RSD isn't a formal diagnosis, it's a descriptor that a lot of neurodivergent people find helpful to describe our experience of intense emotional reaction to actual OR perceived rejection or criticism.

As business owners, hypersenstivity to rejection can wreak havoc with our ability to receive, process and bounce back from criticism, and negative interactions with clients or partners can leave us feeling unsafe, confused and upset.

In this power hour Alice Reeves, business owner and Co-Founder of Joyfully Different, will share her personal experience of managing rejection sensitivity in a professional context, and share practical exercises and practices that have helped her build confidence and bouncebackability.

What we'll cover...

  • What is Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD)?
  • How RSD might show up in our businesses
  • What might trigger our RSD
  • How to manage rejection in common business scenarios
  • How to build resilience against rejection

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Power Hour: How To Manage Rejection Sensitivity In Business

    • Introduction

    • Recording: How To Manage Rejection Sensitivity In Business