What Makes Holacracy Great for Neurodiverse Teams?

What makes holacracy neurodivergent-friendly and how can you work its core principles into your business? Watch our roundtable to explore.

Holacracy is a way of structuring your business that distributes authority and decision-making amongst self-organising teams, rather than taking a hierarchical, top-down approach to business management.

As an organisational structure, holacracy is much more flexible and adaptive than traditional ways of management – and a lot of neurodivergent leaders and team members find it’s a much better way of working for them.

But, what makes holacracy so neurodivergent-friendly? And how can you work its principles into your business as a neurodivergent leader?

Join us for our next roundtable, where we’re thrilled to welcome Sarah Gruneisen, a neurodivergent leadership, agile and personal development coach who empowers engineers and innovators to boost their business impact, improve productivity and enhance collaboration.

Sarah will give an overview of the 7 key principles of holacracy and how each appeals to neurodivergent minds before we open up to the floor for a discussion of how we can implement these principles into our businesses and ways of working.

Who is this session for?

This roundtable is for any business owners, leaders or aspiring entrepreneurs who want to explore and discuss how the principles of holacracy might be beneficial for them and their businesses.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    What Makes Holacracy Great For Neurodiverse Teams

    • Introduction to the roundtable

    • Watch the roundtable recording