The Joy of Setting Boundaries

Pre-recorded 90-minute workshop

Does it feel like work never seems to stop, even when you get home? Does it feel like the different parts of your life have melted into one big soup? Do you feel like you’re always putting off what you really want to do because of someone else?

Setting boundaries in our lives and business is essential if we want to protect our joy.

Boundary work can raise our self-esteem, keep our social batteries charged up and bring agency back to our lives.

And if you’re a chronic people-pleaser, setting boundaries can also be scary as hell. But the good news is, boundary-setting is a skill that can be learned no matter where you are in your life.

Hosted by award-winning holistic coach Ali Hendry, this online workshop will give you the skills to set boundaries with confidence and compassion.

Director of Learning for Radiant Coaches Academy, TEDx speaker, relationship coach and freelance trainer Ali is here to help you tune into your relationship with boundaries. She will help you examine which boundaries you want to set in your life, while building the self-respect and love you need to conquer any challenges life throws your way.

In this 90-minute workshop, we’ll explore

  • Where boundaries are beneficial in our personal and professional lives
  • Why boundary work and self-compassion go hand-in-hand
  • How to set and maintain clear boundaries in your life

You’ll leave with

  • The skills and confidence to set boundaries
  • Self-belief and commitment to making positive, meaningful change in your life

Who is this session for?

  • Hard-working small business owners, who want to feel more joy in their life and business
  • Business owners, entrepreneurs and creatives who feel like they’re being pulled too far in too many directions
  • Anyone struggling to prioritise themselves alongside their work

Session format:

90-minute interactive online workshop, delivered via Zoom

Course curriculum